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Royal Enfield Musket 1000cc – The Musket V-Twin Gets Bigger Guns and Plans for Production
Friday, October 1, 2010
Aniket Vardhan just told me the Musket V-Twin is bringing bigger guns to the fight. Since Royal Enfield only offers the 500cc Bullet in the U.S., the Musket will be moving up to 1000cc. The crankcase design will be modified to accept the 500cc barrels found here which also means you'll be able to use whatever performance parts are available, that's right, YOU, because Aniket's plans are to introduce a production kit late this year!
The plan is to offer the Crankcases as a "complete it as you like" kit, with ONLY the custom castings, machined and ready to accept stock parts. Experienced folk can do it themselves with full step by step instructions or have it done at a shop/by a friend. This will keep it as affordable as possible. They can add stock or performance parts for the kind of output/costs they are comfortable with.
I am really excited about this. As detailed in our original post, Aniket decided to design and build the engine because he thought it would be a neat idea, so he jumped in and began learning what he needed to know and started the project. Many years later, the engine is running and, if everything goes as planned, will be offered as a kit later this year.
Many of you have indicated how much you like what he's done, I know I do, and the thought of this project coming to market makes me smile, a lot. Go Aniket!
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It seams like the audio is a bit off or else I think I hear a little clutch slippage when you accelerated it under fulll power.That `s is a great work of art and precision.I bet you are excited, I know I was when I was watching. Keep up the good work and good luck…
Posted on 2:42:00 PM
Interesting – is the bigger Musket going to be based on the new unit 500 or the older model? And if there was one weak point of the original 700 design, it was the strange routing for one of the exhaust pipes – perhaps a 2:1 with a fishtail would work instead?
Posted on 2:43:00 PM
Awesome man. the work done on the engine looks so neat.. complete professional. would love to know the power figures now.. And nice colour theme with that lovely single seat
Posted on 2:53:00 PM
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