Saturday, November 13, 2010


15th Oct 2010

Bike check and Gear check of all Riders happened in Jaipur. A brief on the ride terrain was given along with what to expect in terms of hazards as well as exciting things.

16th Oct 2010

Reported by Sunil - The Bikers had a great time riding out from Jaipur and then covering around 200 kms and reaching Mahansar. They stayed in a Palace at Mahansar and has fun around a campfire feasting on local cuisine and brew. Reported by Sunil from Punjab for whom this was the first long ride on his recently acquired Royal Enfield Bullet. Despite finding the terrain difficult its the sheer enthusiasm of the fellow riders and the guidance by the Royal Enfield lead rider that trudges him on.
17th Oct 2010

Reported by Sunil - Day 2 saw the Riders move from Mahansar towards Bikaner. Enroute they took a detour and tried their hands at sand crossing and some serious off-road riding. The Royal Enfield machines took the rough terrain in their strides and the riders had an adventurous time trying to manoeuvre through the soft sand fishtailing and sliding every now and then giving the riders a thrilling experience.
18th Oct 2010

Reported by Ankush and Gaurav, the riders now acclimatised to the terrain and climate of Rajasthan. Despite being October the Heat was still high with temperatures reaching a good over 40 degrees centigrade at daytime. Enroute from Bikaner to Jamba the riders rode past a watermelon field during lunchtime and feasted on farm fresh produce right there under shaded trees. It was a very pleasant experience as the riders were parched after the sand dunes riding and this feast delighted them. Jamba is famous for its sand dunes and the riders had a gala time negotiating the same again. The ride did have its share of spills but nothing which could keep the riders off their machines. This day they experienced what they termed as raw nature at its best and were thrilled to see the open sky lit with numerous stars.
19th Oct 2010

Reported by Ankush and Gaurav, who despite being Local residents of Rajasthan never knew the remote roads and villages they are seeing during this ride and discovering their own homeland in a different and adventurous manner. This day saw the Riders move from Jamba to Jaisalmer, After reaching Jaisalmer they also visited the legendary Jaisalmer Fort and some of the famous temples around this city.
20th Oct 2010

Reported by Piyush – The Riders started early from Jaisalmer as they had a rather longish 280 km ride in the daytime heat. The terrain was marked with the open spaces all over with the lone road snaking towards the horizon. They rode till Tanot by Lunchtime and then took a break. Enroute to Tanot they also encountered some swampy lands where man and machine had to prove their combined power to struggle out and cross over. Post Tanot the riders rode to the historic battlefield of Longewala where the Indian Army stopped the enemy right in its tracks inflicting heavy damage to the invaders. This is evident by the devastated Pakistani tanks strewn over that place. The Bikers clicked pictures with remains of war machines and relived those historic moments of victory and valour that the Indian Army stood for. They then headed over to Sam for the night. Post dinner they had a gala time listening to Rajasthani folk music and watching artists perform local dances. Surprisingly a lot of foreign nationals were also around and took active interest in playing the local music and dancing to the Rajasthani tunes.
21st Oct 2010

Reported by Rahul: The Riders on the Tour of Rajasthan moved out from Sam early in the morning and had to go through small village lanes and by-lanes to come out towards Jodhpur. They proceeded slowly as there were chances some of them just might take a wrong turn. They also rode slowly as there were children and animals darting all over the place and they weren’t used to such kind of traffic. The people often stood by the roadside and looked at the cavalcade of riders rumbling along creating a dust storm as they rode in unison. After Sam the riders first stopped at the famous Akal fossil park which houses a huge collection of fossilised trees from prehistoric times, indicating that Rajasthan too was once dense forests and then due to climatic changes and rapid deforestation changed into a desolate desert. After Akal the riders moved on towards the Jodhpur Highway and stopped for lunch at a highway Dhaba. Villagers were very impressed by the riding gear donned by the riders as well the impressive sight of nearly 2 dozen Royal Enfield gleaming machines. The second regroup point was just a few kilometres before Jodhpur where the riders assembled in a close staggered formation and then rode into Jodhpur’s traffic infested streets in the evening. Everyone made way for this rolling juggernaut and people even waited at crossings to let the convoy of thumping royal enfielders lass through. They reached the hotel and called it a day.

22nd  Oct 2010

Reported by Kanwardeep: Today was a Rest day for the riders who till now have seen desolate broken roads, sand dunes and fishtailing on them, dusty village lanes with children and hens running helter skelter and finally landed in the desert city of Jodhpur. The Marwar festival is on in its complete fervour and the Riders are enjoying this well deserved break to soak in the colours of Rajasthan and bask in the heavenly hospitality. Some riders did ride through the city just to go around but overall this day was to Recharge, Replenish and Rest!

23rd Oct 2010

Reported by Nahar: The Riders stayed at Sardar Samand Palace in Jodhpur and enjoyed the day with a cool dip in the pool there. After the Rest day all the riders were rejuvenated and then rode out towards the Om Banna temple also called as the Bullet baba Temple which is dedicated to a Royal Enfield Motorcycle deity. They took part in the rituals there and also offered the traditional Prasad of ‘Bullet’ beer to the deity. Visiting the Bullet temple was an experience none of the bikers would forget because here their god was actually personified right in front of them. After the temple visit they packed some lunch for themselves and moved off the road and rode on loose sand gravel rubble towards the famous Ranakpur Jain temple. After a few moments of peace and solace at the temple the riders moved on to the last section of the day’s ride to Kumbalgarh.  It was here that they saw some good hilly roads with ample twisties making the ride a fun filled roller coaster one. That Night they stayed at a nice camp in Kumbalgarh. The Night remained young with all the riders sharing a song and dance around the bonfire and seeing the cold weather of the Rajasthani hilly regions for the first time.
24th Oct 2010

Reported by John Smith: This day was an out and out riding day. Clear instructions were given to all the riders that they would perhaps have to cover maximum distance over various terrain ranging from good tarmac to absolutely nonexistent roads and going off road into the desolate desert landscape. There were sections where the riders could hardly do little more than a 20 – 30 kmph speed dodging boulders and gravel and sand and standing on foot pegs to negotiate the treacherous terrain. After a good day’s riding they reached Ajmer where they camped for the Night. Since it had been a long and tiring day and riding extended well into the evening the bikers all decided to call it a day quickly and retired. They prepared themselves for the final assault the next day as the ride comes to an end in Jaipur on 25th.
25th Oct 2010

Reported by Jean from Canada. The riders left early morning from Ajmer and hit the road towards Jaipur. Enroute they stopped at the legendary salt lake of Sambhar This is where the brawny machines made mincemeat of the rough terrain rolling clouds of dust and creating a whirlwind. The riders could feel the traction shifting from rear to front wheel as the terrain alternated between hardened dried salt and the soft sand. I feel I have a lot to learn from the way the Royal Enfield riders in India ride the motorcycle. They are experts in handling a motorcycle of this proportion over such unforgiving terrain. I got a lot of things to learn from them and realised that the riders I had seen so far now in Canada and America aren’t as talented or skilled as the Riders with whom I was riding here in Rajasthan. I shall definitely have loads of stories to tell when I go back. Although all motorcycles look like killer machines it’s my black n chrome bullet which outshines all of them. The whole cowboy style of riding makes India feel closer to Mexico in terms of lifestyle where we stretch the envelope of our comfort zone to go a little beyond and get the extra thrill out of the over the edge riding on difficult terrain in uncomfortable weather. The thrill and adventure takes away the feeling of discomfort completely. Although I am 49 I felt like an 18 year old with the amount of adrenaline pumped by my body into my bloodstream. The end of the ride was the second highlight of this day’s activities where the riders rode on the highway side by side like cowboys galloping on their stallions in some old western movie. The ride formally culminated with all riders rolling Jaipur the same place from where they started nearly 10 days back. They cheered each other for completing the ride and then after freshening up had a blast to celebrate the achievement and remember the adventure.

source : Royal Enfield

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