EnfieldMotorcycles.in is the blog for all Royal Enfield enthusiast where we live, breathe, and eat Royal Enfield Bullet . We not only keep you informed of the news about Royal Enfield originals, but also give custom bikes and historical bikes a lot of attention. You can also find with us the best Enfield related movies and crazy stunts etc. We are testing and reviewing new models of which a complete relief will be shown on our site. Finally, we have technical tips, for example, how to properly get engine through the winter.
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My name is Sheetal Iyer. I live in Hyderabad. The passion for riding motorcycles got into me when I got my hands on a pal’s PULSAR 150cc, at the age of 16. From then till date, I’ve ridden a Bajaj Avenger, a Yamaha R15, Pulsar150/200/220, Shogun, Yamaha RX100 and RX125 and Royal Enfields. The Bike I plan to get myself in the next one year is a Royal Enfield Classic 500. My Dream Bike which I plan to own in the future is a Harley Davidson Sportster883 or Harley Davidson V-rod Muscle.
I joined a club called the “highway nawabs” back in 2007. The members of group have been my mentors since then. They are the people who have inspired me to upgrade myself from bikes like pulsars to Royal Enfields. And today, I feel proud to be riding with them. The feeling of riding a motorcycle is very “god-like” and Incredible. As a female rider, riding gives me a sense of individuality, self-pride and freedom.
Rider = Sheetal Iyer
In more than one way, it gives me the ability to stand-out in the crowd and that is something that I have always intended to do- TO BE DIFFERENT. As far as the clothing goes, riding is not rocket science but it neither is a child-play. Riding with the appropriate gears like hand gloves, a good-fit helmet, a well-fitted and protective jacket, knee and elbow armors and a good pair of boots are the minimum essentials.
In more than one way, it gives me the ability to stand-out in the crowd and that is something that I have always intended to do- TO BE DIFFERENT. As far as the clothing goes, riding is not rocket science but it neither is a child-play. Riding with the appropriate gears like hand gloves, a good-fit helmet, a well-fitted and protective jacket, knee and elbow armors and a good pair of boots are the minimum essentials.
No motorcycle or no rider is perfect. No matter how many years of riding you have done, yet you can always expect the unexpected. But we all know that you can only reduce your chances of falling because of your experiences and the ability to anticipate danger. Well, I’ve had a couple of minor accidents but still the learning continues and I await to have my share of experiences.
At the age of 20, riding has become an identity to me. That’s how, not just me, but a lot of people recognize me as- SHEETAL-The biker babe. (Laughs) It’s a good feeling. I’m definitely not embarrassed when people see me on a motorcycle. It pushes my morale up all the more when boys on bikes try and match up with you. Its more of a BOOSTER (no offence to the male gender). And I’ve always had people coming up and telling me that it is so nice to see a girl on a motorcycle and that all women should be brave like me. It’s so much of a confidence-giver. The message that I’d like to give to all women riders or aspiring riders is “RIDE HARD AND RIDE SAFE”
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