Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Song "Bullet" by folksinger GRAY HAWKE

Awesome song on Royal Enfield bullet by gary hawke !! 

The lyrics are terrific, summing up so much of what is special about the Royal Enfield Bullet — from it being a survivor from a time of black-and-white to the way it takes away my worries every time I feel that engine run.

Gray Hawke himself explained on MySpace in 2010 that his inspiration for the song came from purchase of a  "black and chrome" Royal Enfield : ''I got a wonderful motorcycle earlier this year - a Royal Enfield Bullet 500efi DL. I'll upload a picture... As with most truly life-changing experiences, it had to have a song. I'd written a lyric, found what I think is a really catchy chorus and got a rhythm and feel for the song nailed about a month ago, but I was really struggling to find a tune and structure for the verses.

Anyway, I decided to give it another bash yesterday (27th May) and finally got something that worked. A bit quirky and asymetrical - also quite difficult to remember! As I was already planning to go to Commonfolk yesterday, I gave the new song a run out in front of an audience - the first time I've ever finished and performed a song on the same day.

It went pretty well - a few very positive comments from audience members afterwards, even though it was obviously a bit rough. Definitely one to polish up.''

Click the player above to hear the song "Bullet" by folksinger Gray Hawke. Get it on his CD "A Place to Live." Email GrayHawke619@gmail.com with your postal address for information. Proceeds benefit Claire House childrens' hospice.

Exceperts source 


  1. phillips8:16:00 AM

    awesome song !!

  2. super like !!

  3. really nice find...! good listen. Thanks for sharing !!

  4. karan kapoor8:24:00 AM

    You made my Bullet tear up. Great song!

  5. nice song. good job!!
